One of the many best parts of my day is when my house is completely quiet. My children are not out of bed yet and there are no daycare kids at my house. This is my time to recharge my battery and to actually have a clear thought in my brain. Being about to think does not happen when you have everybody asking you questions. I am grateful to have some time to recharge because it makes me a better wife , mother, and daycare provider, and teacher.
On to our "Growth".
"What helps you grow?" got me a very interesting answer. I got told"Eating and drinking healthy." I get caught off guard every single day with the responses of all the children. It is so cool.
The nursery rhyme posters I love. They have large letters and the children love to look at them. I laminate them and hang them up where the kids can keep looking at the poster throughout the month. I want to make I am doing everything I can to help their emergent reading skills. The kids were not to sure what the word "nimble " meant. I am going to find a way to review that with them again. All of us read "Jack Be Nimble" and all of us talked about how it is not safe to jump over a candle. The children said it is not safe because you could get burned.
Here again the children have a chance to use their logic skills an express themselves.
This little girl surprise me. She had so much to say about "Jack Be Nimble". Having the poster there and talking about it just seemed to help her understand everything.
We all ate some macaroni and cheese and some of my daughter's birthday cake for lunch and we kept going with our lesson.
We finally have gotten outside some for exercise. The children are very excited to be outside. All of our brains needed outside time.
I love the "Tall Dog" project. I did this one about 2 years ago. What better way to teach measurement than to measure yourself. The children were so happy that I measured them. One "Tall Dog's''
were 42 inches and 48 inches. I gave the children all kinds of stickers to put on their "Tall Dogs". The children used the rulers to measure other things around the room.
I love with all my heart spending time with all of these amazing kids. This little guy is my nephew Jack. He is big 2 year old now and he loves trains. He has a train on his shirt. He was playing with a train my brother got when he was a little boy. All of us got him a train as a belated birthday present. All of us got to play with the train. We got my niece Sophie a pink and black zebra. Where ever she went in my parents house that zebra went with her.
While we were outside we did the "Reach Up" and "Then and Now" parts of the lesson. We talked about how they can run and step on the rocks now. When they were babies they were not able to do those things.
Our learning keeps happening every second of every day with Mother Goose Time Curriculum and we all love it. We can not wait to come back and share our new adventures with all of you!!!!!!
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