Saturday, July 25, 2015

Not everything we make with water tastes good

When I talked to all the kids about "What can be mixed with water?" they did not have any answers. I honestly think they will understand the question better after we do other activities in the lesson. The minute I got everything ready for Concept: Exploring Mixing all I heard was "Can I do that Miss Patty?" All the kids enjoyed being able to mix the shapes and putting their hands in the water. We did this activity for a long time.   

"Splash Painting" gave all the children a chance to create their own art work . They also started painting themselves too. The kids painted their faces and their hands.  All the kids worked on their painting for about 20 minutes. 

I gave the kids blueberries and grapes for the "Flavored Water". I also gave them vanilla, pumpkin pie spice, and salt to use too. All of them did a great job of cutting the blueberries and the grapes. I think it gave the kids a whole bunch of confidence being able to fix their own drink. They liked being able to put what ever they wanted in their drink. I even had the kids taste their drink. One little girl said her drink tasted like tea. Another little girl tasted her drink and she had an awful look on her face.  She did not tell me what her drink tasted like. I would like to this again with the kids with just different kinds of fruit.  I am excited because I get to plan activities for "Week 4" of "Nature Detectives".

Exploring is fabolous

     We got plenty of practice with identifying numbers with the Concept : Explore Washing. I wrote the numbers 1 to 10 on the dry erase board. I asked the children to find a certain number on the board .When they found it they got to wash it off with the sponge. With the fact of washing the numbers off with a sponge themselves I think the children were even more interested in doing the activity.  The children knew some of the numbers. I am going to surprise all the kids this week by doing the activity again.

Mainly when I asked the all the kids what they help wash at home , they told me dishes and their bodies. The "Would You Rather" game was a blast. The kids even wanted to act out the animals that were talked about on the game cards.  They ran around like a dog and slithered like snakes. They all surprised me with what they knew about germs. I think this helped all of them understand more why I ask them to wash their hands. All the kids do not even fight with me at all about washing their hands. We have more adventures waiting with Mother Goose Time Curriculum.