Sunday, October 25, 2015

Birds and Nuts I missed one

Chesnuts and we're on our minds. I asked the discussion question " What part of a chestnut would you want to eat.The kids told me that they would want to eat the inside but not the outside because of the pointy parts. The trees in Washington, Illinois keep getting more beautiful every day . With this tree the leaves turn all different shades of red. I keep picking up the leaves so the kids and I can look at them. These pictures are of the walnut harvesting video I was able to find. It showed the machine that go es up to the trees and shakes the walnuts down to the ground. There are also parts shown where the walnuts are processed. I was learning a lot right along with the kids.   

We made our "Bird Nest". I like the activity because it made the kids think about what they would need to do to take care of a pet. We talked about the fact the bird would need food, love , and a clean bed.

We finished the bird nest and this little girl looked at her bird and said it needed a mouth. I found a permanent black marker and drew a mouth on her bird.

We got our Sight Words for out Concept Review. This is a very essential activity for learning to read words and learn proper sentence structure. I wanted to make this activity fun. We took our time and did all the words .  I hope this is an activity for November's Curriculum. If not I will put it in there.

Oven mitts and baskets get me all kinds of cooperation. This was such a fantastic way for the kids to see how you need to handle chestnuts. My husband even asked me what the things were in the basket. The Porcupine Balls are fabulous to paint with. All kinds of chestnuts were painted with these and their fine motor skills got the workout they needed by picking up the porcupine balls. 

 We revisited the book for this month with all the story pieces and the seed pouch. With all of these things the kids were able to tell me about different parts of the story. We also talked about the country of Oman. I think the kids are starting to understand that there are other people on the planet. I was blessed to be able to see my brother and his family today. My niece and two nephews amaze me every time I see them and its not just because I am their aunt. My brother and his wife have 5 year old fraternal twins that were born premature. My brother and his wife have taken advantage of every opportunity so that they can always be learning new things and things they need to know for kindergarden. They are doing the same thing for my soon to be 2 year old nephew. I feel this is what Mother Goose Time Curriculum does as well for kids. I had so much fun spending time with all of them today. I am ready to see them again right now but I will have to wait a little bit.  We have tons of adventures waiting for us with Mother Goose Time Curriculum. We will see all of you very soon.

What comes from the orchard.

We have had a fantastic week. Russia was the first stop on our journey. It took a little bit but all of us were able to say "Hello" in Russian. We kept saying "Privyet " and after 7 or 8 times we said it right. The Global Friends have been working out very well. We tried the song "The Brown Walnut". It came out okay. There is more work to do on that. I asked everybody what color walnuts were and they were not sure." Postcards from the Orchard" turned out to be a fabulous visual learning aid to help the kids understand how many walnuts can be in each walnut tree. Being able to fingerprint the walnuts and the leaves for the tree made the activity more appealing because the kids could do the activity on their own. They got to be creative, worked on fine motor skills, and they used logic skills. Walnut Counting kept our learning going. I used the postcards as the tree and let the kids put seeds on that. The kids enjoyed it and again they had a visual learning opportunity to see how many walnuts are in each tree.We have not made our Russian Tea Cakes yet. I want to try to do that this coming week.I can not wait to make them. I have never had them before and neither have the kids. It will be a great experience for all of us. 

My house keeps looking more like a haunted house. I have spider webs, spider lights, and even big fake spiders. We have had some rain this week so that has slowed me down a little bit with putting lights around my door. All the kids keep looking at the decorations. The weather is supposed to be good in Illinois this coming week so I am very excited to get everything finished for Halloween. 

Between using the seed collection to count with and the Walnut Counting Game the kids and me should be able to count in our sleep.The pictures on the Walnut Counting Game were very helpful. I liked the fact that I could let the kids try to match up the cards themselves. We were not able to watch the video about "Walnut Harvesting" because I could not get the link to work. We were able to do that on a different day.

Here we are watching a video I found on you about walnut harvesting. It is by California Walnuts.  We watching a couple a videos by California Walnuts. They were fun.It helps the kids understand the process better.  

The "Seed Collection" has been very intriguing to all the kids. They have not gotten bored with it .  They look at each seed and they like picking up a whole bunch and seeing what they look and feel like. I have been truly enjoying watching all the kids discoveries. We have so many more adventures waiting for us with Mother Goose Time Curriculum.