Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Nests are not just for animals

    The moment I got "Day 19 Nest " out every single child said "Nest". I asked them " What animals live in a nest?" They came up with the answers of birds and owls. With the "Concept Review " I used some of the sticks from "Lodges and Dens". The children did very well making W and X with sticks. Again everybody wanted to put the letters W and X on the Alphabet House. The children have enjoyed putting letters on the Alphabet House so much that I am going  to try my hardest to work it in to other Mother Goose Time lessons." What Goes Together" went over great. The kids were able to figure out which cards went together. The kids jumped right into the Concept Review Sheet. I think they learned a lot from it because they were having fun learning at their own pace. 

We got plenty of chances to work on our W's and X's. The kids even figured where they were on the "Alphabet House".

Any time the children get to express themselves ,they take advantage of it. They did amazing with the "Concept Review Sheet". I gave them some freedom on this to see how they would do and I am so glad I did. They did great!!!!!!!!


You never know what you will find in a hole

       The minute the kids saw the topic poster for "Holes" they were excited because it had bunnies on it. All I heard was "I love bunnies!!!" There different things I get to learn about all the kids when I do "Mother Goose Time ". One example is when I am getting the lesson materials out one little girl asks me "Are we going to do our lesson now?" This always gets me excited because I know that they are ready to learn .  "What lives in a hole?" got me the answer of "bunny". The "Bunny Headband" got all the children's juices flowing. Each of their bunnies were unique.  The "Play Dough Holes and Counting Holes" gave the children valuable hands-on experiences. They loved every minute of it.    
We got our ready and we learned where the letters U and V are on the Alphabet House.
All the children found their own way to make a hole with "Play Dough". They loved the "Bunny Headband". One little girl told me " My bunny is wearing glasses, since it can't see." "Counting Holes" gave all the kids more practice with their numbers. There is one little girl that manages to double any number she counts. This activity gave her practice she needed.