Sunday, October 4, 2015

The start of our orchard adventure

 It is officially October and I am so excited. The temperatures in Illinois continue to stay in the 60's or 70's and the leaves on the trees are turning such beautiful colors. We have already collected some of them. The kids and I are loving the "In the Orchard" curriculum from Mother  Goose Time. I found that they did not know that much about seeds so we have some work to do on this. Being introduced to "Number 3" went great. I think being able to play with the black beans made it more fun."Apple Seed Art" was a complete success. They got more practice with cutting and painting on their own. This is always one of my favorite things about Mother Goose Time. Their activities are structured where a child can do it on their on own and work on skills they need. The "Seed Collection " is a big hit with the kids . I am thinking about adding other kinds of seeds. The kids love the seeds .

 We explored out theme poster and we added roots to the tree. I think this was a great idea . It gives the kids a view of tree roots they can understand better.

We jumped into our journal and made unique colorful trees. I want the kids to be as creative as possible so I give them a lot of freedom while they drawing.

The kids loved sorting the seeds and counting them. I let them use the pie tins to sort the seeds.They were happy doing this for at least 20 minutes.

 The kids started pretending they were cooking pies. I like the bee for this month. I would like to out the qualities of "Honesty" with the bee so the kids understand what it means. We have more adventures "In the Orchard".

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